How to get here
Our address
Suite 4, 7 & 10 The President’s Gallery, Ushaw Historic House, Chapels and Gardens, Durham, DH7 7RH
For SatNav, use postcode DH7 7DW when navigating to Ushaw. This will take you to the main visitor entrance of Ushaw House, Chapels & Gardens.
Some GPS systems will take you to the wrong location when using the postcode DH7 9RH
To find the visitor car park you can also use What3Words: ///prettiest.bookshop.basic
If you arrive before 10 a.m, you will need to come in via the East Wing entrance. Please call 0191 384 9018 on arrival to the car park, and we will meet you as the door is coded and the building can be tricky to navigate. If you arrive after 10 a.m, you can come in through the main Ushaw entrance, and we will meet you in the lobby. The entrance is clearly signposted from the car park. Please call us when you are in the lobby or if you are struggling to find it.
(Mobile signal can be poor near the main building, and the main visitors entrance for Ushaw is only open between 10am-4pm) If you can’t get through to us, please ask a member of staff at Ushaw and they will direct you to our office.
+44 (0) 191 933 4109
Where are we?
Ushaw Historic House
The President's Gallery
We have three offices in the President’s Gallery. Our main office is where all work takes place as well as client meetings. We also have a studio space used for video recording and an additional room used for clients meetings and admin.